How AR and VR can enhance government services?

Designing A Robust Government Services through AR/VR Technology

AR/VR is the most renowned tech trend today penetrating in almost every segment or industry and making revolutionary changes to enhance productivity. Government bodies work for numerous sectors and AR/VR application in the government sector in improving efficiency and accuracy. This technology has enough potential to transform the way public sectors like Construction, tourism, education, army, healthcare, and safety work. Firstly, let’s get a short overview of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to get a better understanding and its importance in today’s era.

Augmented Reality: In this technology, an image comes to real-life when seen through a smartphone or a tablet with all the sound and motion effects in our environment only.

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Virtual Reality: VR creates a whole new stimulating environment for the user which is a completely immersive experience with a 360-degree view.

AR/VR application in Public Sectors:


With the help of VR headsets, the contractor or engineer can make plans, mapping and modeling of any project. This can be shared across the team quickly and relevant issues can be raised immediately. A virtual tour is possible of any site before it is actually constructed. Within a shared environment, the contractors and engineers can easily identify disaster-prone areas.

Healthcare Industry

Here, the government can be benefited from AR/VR applications in the healthcare domain also. To serve state-of-the-art facilities, Virtual reality can do wonders in everything from surgical equipment to chronic disease education.

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  • A detailed view of any body part with 360-degree CGI is possible,
  • Complex surgical training from multiple angles can be done through VR headsets 4K 360-degree,
  • Treatment through robotics and VR reconstruction,
  • Spreading disease awareness with an immersive experience.


Virtual reality allows students and workers to access learning and training programs without time and place challenges. Training with VR enables employees to get comprehensive understanding and insights about the related profession and this is how the government can overcome the high cost of training & skill development.

Legacy System

Digital Reality enables government workers to process huge amounts of data through an Application Programming Interface(APIs) which are more shareable, accessible and a usable approach for data integration. This application helps to upgrade the system by drawing crucial data & information from the underlying legacy system. Government bodies can create an API infrastructure, allowing data linking, application, and system altogether. With this technology, systems can be integrated and upgraded to enable the application of digital reality in government organizations.

Army Training

Experienced with the head-mounted Display, VR training in the Army is adopted much earlier than it enters the commercial market. AR/VR application in government entities like the Army is the most effective and commonly used technique to train the force.

  • Battlefield positions
  • Military Maneuvers
  • Immersive training like a parachute jump, Defending from rivals
  • Extreme environment awareness like dessert, arctic, etc.
  • Virtual boot camps

A realistic scenario can be presented with VR at any point of time for judging or training the candidate. This is a cost-effective tool that replicates the weapon or vehicle in training. Also, performance can be analyzed immediately from an individual.

By investing in this stimulating technology, the Government can achieve desired results by anticipating future crises and figure out the action plan accordingly.


Singapore is one of the top-ranked tourist destinations and Virtual Reality has the power to boost tourism in the country. Before actually booking the hotel room or visiting tourist places, Virtual Reality activates the emotions by stimulating the senses of the viewer. Here, users can interact with the immersive experience and make a decision.

Within limited resources, the use of digital reality in government agencies can be extremely beneficial like the way the government uses data, enhances employee performance and above all offers improved services.

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